

skill-UP acknowledges that many of the major societal changes currently affecting the transportation system are expected to have a significant impact on jobs.
The fast-changing job market will require new sets of skills mostly related to problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. To face these challenges, industries and educational bodies need to collaborate to make the school-to-work transition as smooth as possible and to be able to prepare future generations for the world of work. skill-UP works to align the educational programmes and teaching methods to the needs of future operational scenarios and generations of workers.

skill-up aims to define the knowledge, skills and competences required by the future employers of the Air Transport Sector to better align the training offered to the requirements of different occupational profiles, thus fostering synergies between educational institutions and labour market. The project intends to reach such aim on one hand by developing initial and continuing training programmes adapted to the evolving requirements of the sector, based on suitable and innovative teaching and training methodologies. On the other hand, skill-UP will develop an assessment toolkit to track and assess individual progression during the training and will additionally develop an online Knowledge Centre that will collect the outputs of the project, present curricula, training activities and guidelines for specific target groups.


Skill-UP acknowledges that many of the major societal changes currently affecting the transportation system are expected to have a significant impact on jobs. The fast-changing job market will require new sets of skills mostly related to problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. To face these challenges, industries and educational bodies need to collaborate to make the school-to-work transition as smooth as possible and to be able to prepare future generations for the world of work. skill-UP works to align the educational programmes and teaching methods to the needs of future operational scenarios and generations of workers.


Skill-up aims to define the knowledge, skills and competences required by the future employers of the Air Transport Sector to better align the training offered to the requirements of different occupational profiles, thus fostering synergies between educational institutions and labour market. The project intends to reach such aim on one hand by developing initial and continuing training programmes adapted to the evolving requirements of the sector, based on suitable and innovative teaching and training methodologies. On the other hand, skill-UP will develop an assessment toolkit to track and assess individual progression during the training and will additionally develop an online Knowledge Centre that will collect the outputs of the project, present curricula, training activities and guidelines for specific target groups.

Overall approach

skill-up will start by identifying the needs of an evolving labour market and consequently defining workforce profiles and future scenarios. This will lead into an informed development of initial and continuing VET training programmes based on suitable and innovative teaching and training methodologies and on study pathways for skilling, upskilling and reskilling the air transport workforce. In order to support the VET training programmes, an assessment methodology will be elaborated and implemented through the project. The knowledge centre will ensure the process comprehensiveness, collecting all outputs and project results on an easily accessible online platform.